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Moving Day . . . | . . .

Content Warning: Cockaroaches, general grossness (I don't think I can write what it is 'cus it's gross... lets say it involves pee). Those are both marked in the text with "--cw [cw]--" & "--end cw--" at the start and finish of the section respectively.

Eating habits & thoughts that I wouldn't call disordered, but aren't really healthy either.

I briefly mention an abuse fanfic my sister wrote that's mentioned to be graphic/gorey, but nothing graphic is described.

Note: This blog post will be edited throughout the day. New cws (if they arise) will be added to the top, but will also be added at the beginning of any new section.

Dawn of moving day. It's 6:33am. The sky is so pale, it's very pretty.

6:37. I actually still haven't packed. We were out most of yesterday after I finished 'vague Big Thing' so I didn't really have time. I'm currently writing a blog post about downloading comics.

Ahh, I have to drink at least two of the drinks I bought yesterday (carbonated water + cranberry). Turns out you can't take carbonated drinks through an airport (my grandma told us that), so I should finish the second cw as well. Hope I don't need to use the toilet when we go to the airport. Should be fine, since we're going later in the day.

I also need to shower.

9:50am. Still haven't packed. Got distracted reading "Sabine: an asexual coming-of-age story" on tapas. I'm having breakfast with my gamily (typo)(stands for granparents-family, I've decided) right now though (waiting for my hot chocolate to cool as I type this)!

After this I'll start drinking as much as I can, and then start packing the stuff I had in my grandparent's room.

11:46am. Started packing. Didn't drink yet but I have put on deodorant, finally. I left a cup in this room last night 'cus I thought I would drink more, can't find it so my grandma might have thrown it out.

I really don't have much space at all. There's gonna be barely any clothes. My mum put some stuff in there that wasn't mine. She might've thought it was, but she also does that when there's not enough space in other luggages for her/other's stuff, so I hope she's not upset I'm taking most of it out.

I got my favourite glasses from zennioptical (great place for cheap glasses, btw. I've also heard of eyebuydirect, but I don't know how that place is), and when I did I got shades with it as well (light sensitivity gang where are you!?) (all zo glasses come with a case andd microfibre cloth, btw), and I thought I lost them! It was such a shame 'cus it'd make going outside a lot easier, but they were in my bag the whole time! Cool! So I'm taking that.

I hope I get a backpack as well, I don't know how I'll get enough clothes. 11:53am now. I need to take some pictures of some stuff, then I think I'll break to drink as much as possible (I wasn't able to drain those two bottles last night, so I gotta do at least that now! The sooner the better, I don't want to be needing to go to the bathroom when we go.

12:49pm. Took aaaages to photograph all that stuff. Lots of pictures and writing. I'm glas I have it all now. Packed some more. Closes well but I gotta back more clothes in there. I have to make sure it's bursting at the SEAMS. Hopefully it will still be under the weight limit (I don't remember what that is. Wouldn't do me much good anyway 'cus I don't have a good idea of weight).

Got a box of pens in there. I'll let the pens be loose later, less space.

--CW: bugs & general grossness--

Ughh, so many cockaroaches. That book (one of the things I photographed) was in a roach heavy area. All but one cockaroach got off when I grabbed it, though, so I was only left with the droppings and stains from mystery liquid (probably cat pee and chocolate milk). Coulda been worse. Shoulda seen what happened to this book I was meaning to donate (and the copy I was meaning to keep...).

The suitcase was bad too. When I first grabbed it a bunch of cockaroaches skittered out from under it. I kept slamming it down and cockaroaches kept showering from it. When it finally slowed, I finally opened it and started packing the luggage. I felt very angry for a moment about my mum placing it somewhere where it would attract cockaroaches, but where could she have put it where that wouldn't have happened?

No wonder why I don't like being on that side of the house. Ugh, my hands are sticky. I need to wash them.

--end cw--

Y'know when I was taking pictures I felt dizzy when standing up from the dehydration + heat. Kinda ironic since one of my tasks is literally "drink lots of stuff". I'm drinking a lot now, though! I managed to drain at least one of the bottles, and the second is not too far behind! 1:08pm now. I'll be able to start eating into the third bottle as well.

Those big bags we bought a few days ago turned out to be for two of my siblings. Jealous! They look cool. Mami put some stuff into my immediate younger sibling's bag as well, she was not happy about that, but it's all sorted now.

When we first bought them my mum put some of the stuff we bought in there to be easier to carry from the car. Most of it was stuff I bought. It's not in there anymore (wasn't even there when my sister started packing it), so I'll have to look for that as well. Shouldn't be too hard, my mum probably knows where it is.

So many things will be left behind... What a shame. I better be coming back later. I'll also be leaving the crackers bought specifically for this trip, as they take up too much space. Hope my mum won't be upset (she probably won't be).

My siblings are watching something upstairs. Might join them.

Hff. 1:26pm. Gonna post this now. Get more drink. Then I'll get moving again.

Hraaahh! I'm back! It's currently 4:06pm, and I found out we're leaving at 7pm. Does this mean our flight leaves at 7, or that we're leaving at 7? I don't know! I suppose I should ask, actually. Hold on.

Okay so we're leaving at 7, and our flight leaves some undetermined time after that, possibly at 12am.

I have showered, changed, continued packing, and finished drinking two of the bottles! I gotta get my sandals and pack my sketchbook. Oh, also find my headphones. Gotta ask.

I sure hope I get/am allowed a backpack in addition to the luggage. It's pretty packed but there aren't many clothes. Also I know it's winter over there but I am literally just packing shorts. I just think my shorts are cool *puts my pointer fingers together*... and my pants aren't very cool.... (Also I'm not sure they fit me still, and I don't wanna cheeeck. Also none of them habe pockets).

There's so many more clothes I want to pack! And little trinkets as well! Furthermore, there are some entertainment things (such as cards, my sketchbook) that would be hard to access if they were in my suitcase (or even impossible, depending on where the suitcase will be stored during flight). So I'm confused as to how that would work if I'm not getting a backpack.

My phone's at 50% right now. As much as I love how my plug looks, and that it's mine, it is a slow charging thing.

I need to ask our mum if I'm gonna have a backpack. Adding that to the list.

Content Warning: "Eating habits & thoughts that I wouldn't call disordered, but aren't really healthy either."

4:50pm. Ugh, I just want to lay down and maybe nap. Somehow just realised internet won't work on planes so I'm downloading some frankenbug shipwrecked 64 streams since I wanted to watch those. Somehow also knew that I wouldn't be able to update my blog while on the plane, and would have to wait till stops to add my new writing to it, despite not realising I wouldn't be able to use internet. Maybe I half-realosed it, then?

My getting ready to watch downloaded content is because I associate those things with "hunkering down", and a plane trip is a prime example of this (aka situations where there will be little to entertain yourself with, so you're expected to prepare entertainment for yourself).

Gosh, I should look up single player card games, simce I was planning on just looking some up on the plane.

Okay so apparently our mum's not sure if a backpack would be allowed, but I should prepare one in the event that it is.

6:02pm. Mami gave me my headphones and water bottle. Washed my sandals and left them to dry. All that's left for them is to collect them and stuff them in my luggage. Tyrns out I almost left my birth certificate here.

My mum said that instead of a backpack, I should put extra stuff in this big suitcase she's also taking. I did that, but I didn't put extra clothes in there. Idk, I don't want it to be too much. Current mission is to find a library book I still haven't returned and ask my grandparents to do it.

I had two papusas. It was kinda funny 'cus I was experiencing getting full before finishing my food, and I didn't realise that at first, so I was like "waht the hell,,, something wierd is happenijg,,,,".

Subsequently, after realising it was growing fullness, I was thinking of potentially not finishing and throwing the remainder in the bin (there wasn't even much left anyways). But every time, I was like "If you don't eat this you're gonna STARVE and DIE". Which is a little funny, 'cus I'm clearly not gonna starve if I'm literally full.

Throwing that food away after getting full is even better than what I often do, which is eat, not be full, and not getting more food 'cus "Eh, it's enough. Not like I'm gonna starve.".

Ahh, I gotta stop typing now. I got more to say but it's already 6:20pm and we're leaving at 7.

6:55pm. We're probably not leaving on the dot of 7. Luggage was too heavy (turns out our grandparents have one of those hanging scale things, great!), so I had to take some stuff out. Now my pockets are heavy. My dorian chiton! I'm gonna miss you! I sewed some buttons on it and made a chain stitch button loop. I should take a picture of it, I don't think I did.

Okay book found, and it wasn't utterly destroyed like I thought 👍. My grandma said she'd return it later. Thank god. I was feeling really bad about that book.

Ahh, I'm thirsty. I was thirsty since at least those papusas. Wish I drank that jamaica my grandma offered, but I don't want to be needing to go to the toilet.

I took those pictures of that dorian chiton, and it turns out there was enough space for it in our mum's luggage (where my other excess stuff went)! Actually, physically, it could carry a lot more stuff. But I'm wary about what the potential weight limit is for it.

Also, don't let the name fool you, dorian chitons are fascinating (to me) precisely because they are exceedingly simple to make (also because they look rad). They aren't scarily famcy or anything. Although they do look very fancy. They're a type of sheetwear (clothes you could make with a sheet and minimal, if any, sewing)!

Gave my cap to my little brother to wear for a bit. Not sure if I should put it back on given that he has lice. I don't know if I do. I'm certain my hair's long enough to have them. But it's also short enough that lice tteatment should be easy to apply and effective. So what the heck, I'll probably risk it. Later. It's actually not bright anymore, so it and my sunglasses aren't very useful atm. But they will be come morning.

Ahh, masks, masks, I was gonna forget to get those. Hold on.

Someone's in the bathroom. Gotta wait to get them.

'Kay got them. But I'm a bit worried about whether I'll be allowed to cary a big bag of masks that have some other stuff in there as well. I don't want to put it in my suitcase since that's barely at 15 pounds as it is. Guess we'll have to see. Worst comes to worst, I shove as many masks into my pockets as I can, and leave the rest.

It's 7:38pm now.

I think I tried to download too big of a video (frankenbug shipwrecked 64 stream) and it's bugging Newpipe out a bit. (Edit: turns out this issue is actually caused by a new thing youtube is rolling out. Downloads aren't working atm (among other things). Newpipe devs are working to fix the issue.) I wonder if there's a way to split up big videos into more manageable chunks. Also how do I cancel the download if it's no longer showing up in the 'download' section. Maybe I just gotta delete what managed to download in my files, but I want to check out some Newpipe settings before I do that.

Just checked. It'll cancel automatically of it fails a retry one more time. I don't see a way to break downloads into chunks, though, unfortunately. Oh well. Lots of downloaded stuff on my phone.

9:29pm. We finally started drivung a little bit ago. Maybe around 9? I'm feeling giddy and excited. We're seeing lots of cool things, like the sky having a cool shade of blue and the clouds (barely visible, cool effect, makes the lighter blue bits of the sky look like it's actually a glowing light). We're going on roads that go up and swirl around, which is very fun.

I think I like the idea of moving, at least tgis time. It feels like we're doing a very final, exciting new thing. Something that's concrete. Like we're going on an adventure. Maybe I'm also happy we're going to Australia where I want to be.

I shouldn't think about it for too long, though, or else I'll start to freak out again. I'll be reminded how I don't want to go there like this, which'll make me remember why I don't want to. I'll try to hold onto the fluttery, lighthearted giddiness, the excitement, for as long as I can.

Phone's at 46%. Battery saver mode is on. Headphones are actually not good but should last at least the flight. Listening to some songs (Rambley Review & Mad at Disney (my older sister used to put that one on a lot and recently the tune got stuck in my head again)), and watching frankenbug's shipwrecked 64 streams.

Content Warning: "I briefly mention an abuse fanfic my sister wrote that's mentioned to be graphic/gorey, but nothing graphic is described."

9:42pm. Sleepy already. I think it's 'cus I usually would've taken a nap by now. Probably when I was sleepy at 4pm. I tend to sleep around 4-5 I think. Don't really keep track. It's a habit I've only gotten into recently.

11:37pm. I think we missed our flight. For a moment I thought we were just gonna go home and I was like "damn, this is the easiest we've ever gone down." It was kind of nice. Like, this wouldn't be a drawn out thing that would take multiple hours. Also, I have no desire to go, so that probably very much cushioned the blow.

Grandma was mad at us for missing it, I think. Which would've been stupid, given that we (my siblings and I) were ready before 7 o'clock. But maybe she wasn't amgry at us, but angry in general and I thought it was directed at us. Who knows.

Our mum's trying to sort it out right now. Her perserverance is admirable. She just keeps going, keeps pushing.

I think I was falling asleep in the car. I'm still tired. Phone's at 33%. Maybe this trip will be a shorter story than I thought. Quicker end. Guess we'll see.

Oh hey btw I was beginning to play free cell in the car (online, in the browser) after my sibling woke me up (well, I was only half-asleep) to read her fix it felix abuse fic (humerous tone, but the gorey visuals were graphic enough to be gross at times. I think it's cool how she's able to write things that legitimately gross me out lile that).

Free cell is a fun game, but hard. I think it'd be a while before I win any game of it.

11:57pm. My back's beginning to hurt from standing so long. Also my feet. Also, I just realised that I'm getting hungry. And I'm already thirtsy, but it's not that bad. I suspect I'm only able to detect the thirst because I drank kind of normally today. All in all, nothing too bad, but it's beginning to be a problem.

12:03am. Officially the next day! I'm sitting down nowww so I feel a bit beterrrr <3.

Yeesh, I kinda really hope this flight doesn't pan out now, since my siblings mentioned my dad "having a surprised planned for us" when we landed (they felt a bit worried/guilty about it potentially being ruined). Thay says "meeting all of us in person" to me, and I won't be looking forward to that!

Also, if we stay, I rediscovered a bunch of cool clothes of mine and I want to wear them!!

I'm imaginning wearing so many cool things right nowww. I especially want to wear my dorian chiton <3 (not saying I wouldn't be able—).

We've received news we're going home, YIPPEE!!!!

Apparently the next flight available is next month.

As I was saying before, I especially wanted to wear my dorian chiton, which I could wear in Australia provided that it isn't too cold, but I was imagining wearing it tomorrow, in warm weather. And now I'll definitely be able to do that!

I was also bummed that I wouldn't have visited some locations that I've been wanting to go to, like this sewing store, or this fancy supermarket, or this nature park that I've only been to for precious few minutes at a time, or the second community garden in our area, or this big park that I have been to but wanted to go by myself, but now I'll definitely be able to go to those places!

Wow, I'm gonna drink that jamaica when I get home. Granpa also gave us $20 each. I kinda want to go to this one store to see if a dress I liked is still there (it likely isn't, but I can check), and if so, buy it. I'd probably have to spend the money on more responsible things, but maybe I should be indulgent for once.

Waagh, I'm tired. Kinda want to sleep as soon as I get home, but I'm pretty thirsty, and don't think it'd be a good idea to sleep right after drinking.

This post will probably end soon. Maybe even now. Or maybe it'll end when I finally go to sleep. Might be some stuff to talk about when we go home.

1:14am. Finally home. I'm gonna go straight to bed. It was a strange day today, but I'm glad I was able to take you lot along for the ride. Hope you have a good day or night everyone, and sweet dreams <3.
