Ode to Southern Tarplants

Created sometime in 2023.

“Phylogenetic and biosystematic” let you
Change your shape and soul, bloom into
Something more pragmatic

I saw you
Spiderweb your way across the
Desert plain, dusty floor, tired out décor–
Laid claimed beneath your blinding visage

I thank you–
For the stretch of colour you give the land
You bless us with those subtle tones of
Soft green juxtaposed with the
Vibrant-yellow of your delicate seedling flowers.
Those spiked leaves of yours hold power.

(Hey, do you remember..?
I’ve had something to say
since that strange December…
I can’t think well, thoughts swirl in my mind
But I do recall that I hope you’ll be kind.)

I know I’m not very good at this
But at least I have an idea of who I want to be
I clung to that book of wildflowers, in bliss
And stopped by every park sign eagerly
I learned your name there
And, forgive me, but it’s so hard to hold on
Energy leaves me in a dwindling stream
But, I…
still remembered you with care
I’d name you during walks at dawn.
Thank you for letting me live out my dream

(However little I could)
Small comforts; you stood.

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